Extension After Care


Tape-In Brands

There are several options for tape-in extensions, while some people just need a few pieces to thicken up lengths or strengthen the design line of a bob haircut, Others prefer a full head of mermaid hair. At Arrow, we cover everything in between! We are able to schedule an in-salon consultation as well as a virtual consultation to suit your busy schedule.


Hand-Tied Brands

Hand-tied extensions are amazing and are easily camouflaged in the hair! For those of you who wear their hair up frequently or decided a lob was a good idea then had a taksey backsy moment! These are sewn-in wefts on beaded rows that last anywhere from 4-10weeks, between move-ups, depending on the hair texture and density. Expect a higher initial cost for hair, coloring blending of the hair, and initial application. This hair lasts 4-6 months, however, with proper home care, we’ve seen some hair types last even longer. The move-up costs are quite a bit lower and depend on how many rows one has!