Procell Therapies has revolutionised the process of supporting and enhancing the production of new collagen.

Compared to traditional microneedling pens, the Procell microchanneling device can achieve excellent results with needle depths as low as 0.50mm, providing a less invasive treatment with a downtime of just 90 minutes, while still stimulating collagen and cell renewal.

The new-generation Procell Microchanneling device utilises surgical-grade steel filaments small enough to fit into hair follicles incurring minimal bleeding, while allowing topical products to absorb 200-300% more into the skin below.

Additionally, because of the device’s stamp-like precision, the protocol does not call for a dragging action that may lead to skin tears and more damage than is necessary. Utilising a tapping technique, minimises skin injury, while the cell renewal process is still as effective. Because of these advantages, the Procell Microchanneling devices are better suited to most skin conditions and for all skin types.



  • Fine lines & wrinkles

  • Acne scarring & pits

  • Sun damage & dark spots

  • Stretch marks

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Crepey & saggy skin

  • (Non-raised) scarring

  • Rosacea

  • Dull & uneven skin tone

  • Large pores

  • Hair loss



As we age, our natural stem cells diminish and by middle age, only a small percentage remain, and those remaining are less robust.

The stem cells used in Procell Therapies serums are derived from the human bone marrow of healthy young consenting female athletes and the process is strictly medically monitored and supervised.

The Mesenchymal Stem Cells are isolated via centrifuge, and the bone marrow is discarded. The stem cells are then set up in a culture, meaning they can now be maintained in an FDA-compliant facility. Only the pure and pristine proteins called cytokines and growth factors are produced. The cytokines are separated from the tissue into a conditioned media via gravity filtration.

They are sorted by molecular weight and in the process purifying them of any other material, (including DNA, blood, cells and tissue), so it is 100% effective and safe with all the ingredients naturally produced by the body.

Procell Therapies Microchanneling treatments unlock natural skin repair mechanisms to tighten, and smooth the skin and restore a more radiant, youthful appearance. The Procell serums not only help healing to occur faster, they also enhance the response dramatically for a much better overall improvement with significantly less inflammation post-procedure.



The number of treatments depends on the individual's condition.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Typically for skin rejuvenation treatments such as fine lines, wrinkles, crows-feet and skin laxity, you will require 3-4 treatments to achieve a good result with each treatment delivered every four weeks. For deeper wrinkles, 5 or more treatments may be required to achieve desired results.

  • Pigmentation, Melasma & Rosacea: the same as above.

  • Acne or Surgical scarring: This usually requires a minimum of six treatments with each treatment every 3-4 weeks.

  • Stretch Marks: may take 6-8 treatments with each treatment done every 4-6 weeks for optimal results.

  • Hair loss and thinning: This usually requires a minimum of six treatments with each treatment every 2-3 weeks.

After your initial series of treatments for any skin condition, results can last for 2-10 years with the proper at home care regimen.

There is no limit to the number of treatments that one can receive as long as adequate time passes in between each treatment.

After your initial series of treatments for hair loss or thinning, maintenance appointments are required every 6-12 months or as needed.



Procell Therapies is successfully used for hair regrowth (including eyebrows).

Procell’s Hair Regrowth Serum incorporates the most recent advances in hair follicular science with twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines, each with proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation.  

In addition, the WNT-1a messaging compound helps to maintain the hair-inducing gene expression of dermal papilla cells. This formula helps improve the overall condition of the scalp, rejuvenating damaged hair follicles and increasing the circulation of nutrients for healthy hair.

When coupled with Microchanneling, Hair Regrowth treatments increase collagen production in the scalp allowing follicles to remain healthy and continue growing hair. A minimum of six Hair Regrowth treatments are typically required with each treatment delivered at a depth of 0.5mm tip and should be performed every two weeks. 

For best results, treatments should be integrated with Procell’s home hair care serum which perpetuates the effects of cellular regeneration between bi-weekly micro channelling treatments of the scalp.





If you have any underlying condition that significantly impairs your immune system, you should avoid microchanneling. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Pregnancy/Nursing

  • Uncontrolled Diabetes

  • On Accutane (last 2 years) or any related acne medication within the last six months

  • Any active inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, psoriasis, infection, rash or any type of dermatitis at the treatment site

  • Active Herpes Simplex in the treatment area

  • Laser or deep chemical peel that removed the entire epidermis within last 18 months

  • Newly done fillers within the last two weeks

  • Scars that are less than 6 months old

  • Keloids or raised scarring

  • History of eczema, psoriasis and any other chronic skin conditions

  • High blood pressure

  • Presence of raised moles, warts or any raised lesions on the area to be treated

  • Currently or in the last 6 months undergoing cancer treatment

  • Allergy to steel

  • Chronic skin disease

  • Hemophilia


The microchannels will close 90 minutes after completion of your service. After 90 minutes, you can immediately apply sunscreen, skin care, and/or makeup products. With 0.25mm and 0.5mm needles it typically only takes a few hours for all redness to disappear (sometimes less).

For hair regrowth treatments, it is recommended to wait 24 hours before washing or applying any products to the scalp.


There is a very wide range of normal reactions. Anything from little to no reaction, to a deep red flush, to pinpoint bleeding for longer lengths is normal. As this is a non-ablative procedure, more extreme reactions do not necessarily correspond to more extreme results. In general with a 0.25mm or 0.5mm tip you will usually see a pink or red “flush.”


You can sometimes see results from a single treatment very quickly but typically results become visible following your second treatment. Glowing skin from the MicroChannel Delivery Serum is noticeable almost immediately and for the few days following each treatment. You can begin seeing neo-collagenesis (new skin formation) as soon as two weeks after a procedure.

For hair regrowth it can take up to nine months to see results, as hair follicles need to go from a resting phase to an active phase.


Yes! Typically combining treatments will result in more aggressive treatments and longer downtimes but can yield impressive results.

Some treatments such as a light microdermabrasion or light chemical peel can be performed right before MicroChanneling as long as the face is then cleaned before starting the MicroChanneling treatment. Do not perform any procedures that involve the use of any topical solutions immediately following MicroChanneling.

Light therapy treatments are typically the only treatments recommended post Microchanneling.

In general you should always check with your treatment provider first with questions on specific treatments.


Single Session:


Face Only: $300

Face & Neck: $350

Face, Neck & Chest $450

Face, Neck, Chest & Hands: $650

Hair Restoration (Full Scalp): $390

Hair Restoration (Half Scalp): $195

Scar Revision: $300

Decollete: $100


Packages (3 Sessions):


Face Only: $825 (Save $75)

Face & Neck: $900 (Save $150)

Face, Neck & Chest $1125 (Save $225)

Face, Neck, Chest & Hands: $1650 (Save $300)

Hair Restoration (Full Scalp): $1,160 (Save $150) Price includes 1 Procell Home Hair Care Serum

Hair Restoration (Half Scalp): $650 (Save $75) Price includes 1 Procell Home Hair Care Serum

Scar Revision: $825 (Save $75)

Full Stomach: $1200 (Save $75)


Single Session Body & Add-Ons:


Arm / Arms: $150 / $300

Elbows or Knees: $150

Full Back: $450

Full Stomach (Skin Tightening): $425

Upper or Lower Back: $225

Inner Thigh / Thighs: $150 / $300

Hand / Hands: $100 / $200

Single Spot Treatment: $75 (Per Spot)

Decollete Add-On: $75

Eyebrow(s) & Facial Hair Restoration: Consultation Required


Packaged skin sessions will receive 20% OFF bundled aftercare from our luxury skincare line Babor.

Pricing for packaged hair restoration sessions includes 1 Procell Home Hair Care Serum ($45 OFF).


Book a complimentary consultation today! Book online, call, text or email for more information and/or any assistance with scheduling.
